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In any unexpected circumstances, anyone can encounter a root canal infection. When this moment arrives, it is inevitable to experience a variety of root canal infection symptoms. In most cases, manifestations can start from mild to moderate discomfort, then progress into more intense pain. At the peak of this situation, emergency root canal treatment is necessary.

This article will discuss common indicators of a root canal infection that you should keep an eye out for. In addition, we’ll also guide you through the necessary treatment options in case you have one.


What is a Root Canal?

Before anything else, it is essential to discuss the basics. So, what is a root canal? The term root canal can be used to describe two different things. First, it can refer to the type of dental operation that involves removing infectious material to relieve dental pain.

On the other hand, it can also refer to a particular tooth area, particularly between the root and the pulp. In every root canal part, you can see a network of blood vessels and nerves. Primarily, these blood vessels are in charge of supplying nutrients to the nerves and the teeth. In addition, since our nerves can send signals to our brain, it plays a vital role in influencing various sensations such as cold, heat, and pressure. Therefore, in cases when severe pain due to infection and tooth decay happens, nerve removal might be a necessary complement to a root canal treatment.


Root Canal and Dental Abscess

Perhaps the most prevalent cause of a root canal infection is tooth decay. When a person’s teeth get decayed, the condition worsens until it reaches the inner layers of the teeth. If the patient with a decaying tooth does not seek any dental care, a dental abscess is most likely to develop. At first, the infection extends and reaches the surrounding tooth areas. Then, it progresses and gets the gums, jawbones, and root canal. In this condition, the immune system will start to deteriorate. This will put the neighboring tissues at risk of infection.

According to experts, spotting a root canal infection caused by dental decay can be tricky. This happens most especially when there aren’t any evident symptoms. Therefore, visiting a qualified dental practitioner is recommended if you are unsure if your tooth requires a root canal procedure.


What Are the Common Root Canal Infection Symptoms?

It’s necessary to be aware of the symptoms of a root canal infection. Knowing the possible signs allows you to take action as early as possible and avoid future damages.


1. Toothache

signs of root canal infection symptomsRoot canal infection symptoms frequently manifest as excruciating pain in the tooth’s inner layers. The root canal is vulnerable to bacteria build-up as it houses a network of nerves. If your pain develops and does not resolve by itself, it is best to seek emergency dental care.

However, toothaches do not necessarily indicate the presence of a root canal infection. Gum disease, dental abscess, sinus infection, and various other conditions can result in unbearable tooth pain. Suppose you want to make sure that you’ll get the proper treatment. In that case, it is wise to seek a bit of professional advice from your dentist before undergoing an emergency root canal procedure.


2. Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity refers to an acute or mild pain that can be caused by a variety of factors. The existence of an underlying illness leads to discomfort that might continue for weeks or even months. While some people can tell which tooth is causing sensitivity, there are times when determining the source can be challenging.

Sensitivity might be caused by a root canal infection in the following cases:

  • Sharp discomfort when you breathe through your mouth
  • A painful sensation when chewing food
  • Sudden discomfort when you apply pressure on the region
  • When drinking hot or cold water, thermal stimulation occurs
  • A sudden stab within the sensitive tooth
  • A pulsating feeling that might be continuous or intermittent in nature


3. Tenderness and Inflammation of the Gums

Swelling is a frequent indication of an underlying condition. It can take many distinct forms and, in certain situations, may appear ordinary and unnoticeable. For example, when gum inflammation is accompanied by a feeling of soreness, it might be a sign of a progressive infection that goes along your root canal.

Here are some infection symptoms to look for if you think you might require a root canal:

  • Persistent swelling and inflammation
  • A pimple-like boil in the gums
  • Pronounced tenderness in the mouth
  • A tooth that seems heavier than the teeth around it


4. Bad Breath

The final stage of tooth decay is an acute apical dental abscess. It can lead to the growth of germs, which produces an unpleasant odor and taste. If you have a dental abscess, it is essential to stop the spread of dangerous bacteria that creates a foul odor. In addition, a root canal treatment may be required to scrape off the pus-filled pockets and drain the cause of infection.


5. Discolouration of the Teeth

If your tooth suddenly acquires a blue, grey, or dark yellow tone on its own, it might be a clear indication of a root canal infection. Tooth discolouration, fortunately, is relatively easy to spot among all infection symptoms. Generally, variations in your tooth colour suggest a pathological condition within your teeth. For example, a tooth with a deeper colour may indicate a dental abscess or severe nerve infection.


Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

have your teeth checkedIt is never easy to figure out whether or not your tooth requires root canal treatment. This is because oral infections can be efficiently countered by the human body. However, it is impossible to get antibodies deep within a tooth. Therefore, the source of tooth decay must be removed, as well as the root canal infection.

If you notice the above symptoms, don’t dismiss these warning signs. If you do, your oral health might be at risk, and your condition is just going to become worse. Therefore, it’s critical to get expert help as soon as possible. The root canal treatment will not only relieve your discomfort but will also restore the health of your tooth.

During a root canal procedure, the pulp is drained as part of the initial treatment. Afterward, your dentist will decide whether your tooth structure can be restored. If the tooth abscess spreads to the pulp, the treatment will be more difficult.


A Word of Advice

One of the most critical components of our oral health is our root canal. Maintaining the health of our root canals necessitates significant care and attention to control the accumulation of bacteria and infection. However, while there are visible signs of a disease, there are also less visible symptoms that only an expert can identify.

As most dental experts advise, early detection and treatment is the most excellent method to avoid tooth decay and infection. In addition, regular consultations and visits to your dentist are necessary to maintain your dental health.


Emergency Dentist in Perth

Even in the most unexpected circumstances, our emergency dentists in Perth are available 24/7 to provide immediate assistance in the event of a dental emergency. We are glad to offer you quality dental care that no other clinic could ever do.