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We all have experienced that fuzzy feeling on our teeth after a nice sleep or from eating too many sweets. This texture is a possible sign of the formation and presence of plaque. Many of us are unaware of what plaque actually is, where it comes from, and how to get rid of it. This article will discuss everything related to plaque, easy steps on how to remove plaque from teeth, and other tips for better oral health.


What Is Plaque?

A dental plaque is a formation of a biofilm substance that usually appears sticky and colorless. It forms on your teeth as a home for bacteria and can spread above or beneath your gum line where tartar buildup happens. Certain types of these bacteria are responsible for periodontal disease and tooth decay. These bacteria will feed on simple sugars and subsequently release acid, which attacks your teeth’ enamel. The acid attack repeatedly occurs until the enamel starts to break down, which leads to the possibility of experiencing tooth decay and cavities. Plaque and tartar buildup can also appear on your gum line. This may cause swelling, irritation, and bleeding, which are clear signs of periodontal disease’s early stages.

When plaque is not controlled and removed, it progresses and hardens to form calculus. This is a tartar buildup that can be found underneath the gum line. During this stage, bacteria can attack tissues and bones that are responsible for supporting your teeth. Tartar buildup is a serious concern and cannot be removed by simple tooth brushing. However, your dentist can perform professional cleaning techniques for the tartar buildup to subside.


How to Remove Plaque from Teeth?

Plaque removal depends on the severity of your tartar buildup. It can be eliminated by several ways ranging from simple oral care techniques to more sensitive dental procedures.

Good oral hygiene routine lands as one of the primary methods for getting rid of plaque and tartar formation. Here are some tips on how to remove plaque from teeth:

Brush your teeth regularly. The easiest and simplest way to remove plaque from your teeth is to brush at least twice regularly as a part of your oral hygiene routine. With the help of a clean toothbrush with soft bristles, use short and gentle strokes as you pay close attention to your gum line. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or when bristles start to fray.

Pro Tip: Experts suggest considering the use of an electric toothbrush. It gives a pressure that can be more effective at removing the plaque underneath the gum line as compared with the traditional toothbrush.

Tips how to remove plaque from teethDon’t forget to floss daily. Floss, also known as an interdental cleaning device, uses a pretty simple technique but can be very important when getting rid of plaque. Incorporate flossing as your oral hygiene routine and remove residues of tartar as well as other food remnants that a regular toothbrush will not be able to reach. To properly floss, gently slide the flossing device in an upward and downward movement in between the gaps of your teeth. Afterwards, slowly curve it on each tooth base, following a back and forth motion beneath the gum line.

Pro Tip: There are many types of dental floss that you can also use, such as water flossers or interdental brushes. Each of these is very useful and can help brush away the risks of having dental caries.

Try out oil pulling. You can make use of coconut oil or olive oil to swish around your mouth. This technique can help in the strengthening of your teeth, prevention of tooth decay, and removal of plaque. Some oil is also helpful in soothing sore gums.

Pro Tip: To successfully perform oil pulling, you would need to have a tablespoon of the oil and swish it around your mouth for about thirty minutes. As you spit out the oil, you would see how some unnecessary dirt is removed from your teeth.

Choose home remedies like baking soda. Several studies have suggested the use of baking soda. It can remove plaque instantly and lowers the possibility of it from growing back and developing again. Baking soda is known as a natural cleanser and can be a great abrasive without damaging the enamel.

Pro Tip: Baking soda is good for scrubbing because of its abrasive and antibacterial properties. If you do not prefer to use baking soda alone, you can always find a toothpaste that contains baking soda.

Talk to your dentist. When plaque becomes severe, eliminating the plaque might already require some dental procedure. Professional cleaning is done with the help of specialized tools to remove plaque that is hard to reach.

Pro Tip: Aside from maintaining a good oral hygiene routine, it is important to visit your dentist regularly so that you can eliminate any buildup of bacteria as soon as possible.


How To Prevent Plaque and Tartar?

treatment how to remove plaque from teethIf you want to prevent plaque, simple lifestyle changes can help you to do so. These include the following tips:

Limiting sugar intake. Bacteria can thrive inside your mouth and along your gum line with sugary beverages and foods. It is known to contain acids that can scrape off your teeth’s enamel.

Stop smoking and tobacco use. Several research pieces have confirmed that smoking can increase your chances of collecting more plaque and tartar and increase the risk of gum disease.

Try chewing sugar-free gum. Today’s innovative technique is to use sugarless gum for about twenty minutes after taking your meals. Sugar-free gum can wash away food debris and neutralize the acid from plaque.


Your Dental Companion

Here at Emergency Dentist Perth, you can experience high-quality dental services from some of the best and world-renowned dentists. We can attend to your dental concerns immediately as we are open round-the-clock. Plaque is a sign of tooth decay and may often require emergency medical attention. If you want to know more about the services we offer, you can give us a call or visit and browse through our website.